“Modern Masculine Elegance”  Modern, Masculine, and Elegance are the key elements of this design. The major color palette utilized by Ralph’s designers was dark tones. We focused on lighting design to alter the atmosphere of the space according to the inhabitants’ moods. Including areas that relate to the modern generation’s lifestyle Either you’re working from home or hosting guests, this design will enrich your way of life.

David Oswald
project type:
Interior Design
6 month
Modernize Classic
November 22, 2020

Design in Details

“Modern Masculine Elegance”  Modern, Masculine, and Elegance are the key elements of this design. The major color palette utilized by Ralph’s designers was dark tones. We focused on lighting design to alter the atmosphere of the space according to the inhabitants’ moods. Including areas that relate to the modern generation’s lifestyle Either you’re working from home or hosting guests, this design will enrich your way of life.








kitchen area

Incredible Result

“Modern Masculine Elegance”  Modern, Masculine, and Elegance are the key elements of this design. The major color palette utilized by Ralph’s designers was dark tones. We focused on lighting design to alter the atmosphere of the space according to the inhabitants’ moods. Including areas that relate to the modern generation’s lifestyle Either you’re working from home or hosting guests, this design will enrich your way of life.